Milan Unfair showcases works by Iranian artists

TEHRAN – Works by six Iranian artists were showcased at Unfair, an international art exhibition which was organized at Superstudio Maxi in Milan, Italy, from April 7 to 10.
Nian Gallery located in Tehran sent works by Siamak Azmi, Vahid Hosseinpur, Maryam Razavi, Amir-Hossein Dezfuli, Tabit Aram and Maryam Tabatabai to the art fair.
The gallery’s mission is to focus on recognizing and promoting Iranian contemporary art and culture, through the creation of a standardized platform for solo and group exhibitions, supporting all forms of contemporary intellectual movements.
It creates an appropriate context for communicating with different levels of contemporary global art and attends various international events.
The gallery believes that nowadays consideration for different forms of media is vital in order to communicate within the contemporary world.
Unfair was born in the middle of the Coronavirus pandemic, in a period in which Italy and many other countries had been living on stand-by, waiting for the end of a prolonged lockdown that also forced the art world to take a break and think of new avenues.
It was established as an ironic denial of the original concept of a fair. Unfair wants to be the outside-the-box alternative to the contemporary art fair. It aims to offer new ways of interacting with the art world, involving and creating new generations of collectors and supporting the art system, galleries and artists who are writing the history of our days.
It is committed to sustainability and equal opportunities; it is inclusive and supports cultural diversity.
The fair reacts, works for a fresh restart and wants to create a space for new relationships. It works outside the box to bring a new and wide audience closer to contemporary art, supporting at the same time galleries, artists and today’s art production.
Photo: A painting by Siamak Azmi.
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